Activity and Participation Measurement Tools Powerful Assessments Driven by Technology
Fitness-To-Drive Screening Measure© (FTDS)
The Fitness-To-Drive Screening Measure© is a web-based tool for caregivers and/or family members of older drivers and clinicians to identify at-risk older drivers. Caregivers and/or family members who have driven with the driver in the last three months, can rate a driver’s difficulties with 21 driving skills, through this on-line screening.
Fitness-To-Drive Screening Measure©
The online version of the FTDS is available for rating drivers in both the United States and Canada.

Home Environmental Assessment Protocol – Revised (HEAP-R)
An in-home assessment for evaluating home modification needs of persons with dementia desiring to age in place. This tool is designed to be a walk through the home with the occupational therapist, caregiver, and if able the person with dementia.
Home Environmental Assessment Protocol – Revised

Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory – Patient Reported Outcome (PEDI-PRO)
The PEDI-PRO is based on an existing assessment, called the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). The PEDI-PRO will provide teens and young adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to identify the everyday activities and tasks they want and need to get better at doing. The PEDI-PRO will also provide teens and young adults the chance to self-evaluate the progress they make over time: either in school, after receiving specialized training or therapy, or after receiving healthcare services.
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory – Patient Reported Outcome
This study is trying to design a new self-report assessment software for kids, teens, and young adults with developmental disabilities. Teens and young adults can use the self-report software to report how they do everyday activities at home, school, work and the community.