Home Environmental Assessment Protocol – Revised

An in-home assessment for evaluating home modification needs of persons with dementia desiring to age in place. This tool is designed to be a walk through the home with the occupational therapist, caregiver, and if able the person with dementia.


Struckmeyer L, Killingsworth J, Hays S (2022) Visual Cues for Persons with Dementia: Opinions of Dementia Caregivers & Occupational Therapists. J Alzheimers Neurodegener Dis 8: 059.

Struckmeyer LR, Pickens N, Brown D, Mitchell K. Home Environmental Assessment Protocol–Revised Initial Psychometrics: A Pilot Study. OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. 2020;40(3):175-182.

Struckmeyer LR (2019) Aging in Place with Dementia: A Single Case Study. J Psychiatry Cogn Behav: JPCB-154.

Linda R. Struckmeyer, Noralyn Davel Pickens; Home Modifications for People With Alzheimer’s Disease: A Scoping Review. Am J Occup Ther January/February 2016, Vol. 70(1), 7001270020p1–7001270020p9.